Ready to grow your audience?

ChatFables is the solution you've been looking for. Whether you're an author seeking more readers, an influencer aiming to grow your audience, or a publisher promoting your authors, ChatFables offers the tools and platform to make it happen.


ChatFables will bring your characters to a new audience and promote your books in incredible, creative ways both on and offline. Expand your reach and captivate readers like never before.


ChatFables offers a unique source of engaging content to share with your followers. Discover captivating stories, create memorable interactions, and watch your audience grow with every post.


With ChatFables promote your authors in innovative and exciting ways. Showcase their talent, attract a broader audience, and elevate their work through immersive, interactive experiences.

Authors: Want to Grow Your Readership?

Imagine making your characters come to life and interact with your readers in real-time! With ChatFables, you can transform your stories into dynamic experiences, engaging your audience like never before. Our platform allows you to create interactive narratives that captivate readers and expand your reach. Let us help you bring your work to a wider, more engaged audience.

Our vision for Authors

We empower authors with innovative campaigns, like distributing engaging e-stickers at events. Imagine your characters captivating audiences everywhere! With countless creative ideas and opportunities, we help you expand your reach and grow your readership.

Influencers: Looking to Boost Your Audience?

Stand out effortlessly by generating unique content with ChatFables! Our platform helps influencers create interactive and engaging stories that captivate audiences. With our tools, you can produce fresh, original content that sets you apart from the rest, all with ease. Let us help you elevate your influence and reach new heights.

Our vision for Influencers

Your content will truly speak to your audience as they follow your interactions on ChatFables. Create unique, engaging stories that captivate and resonate with your followers. With our platform, effortlessly generate fresh, original content that boosts your influence and sets you apart.

Publishers: Seeking Actionable Sales Growth?

With ChatFables, publishers can effectively track engagement and book performance through detailed metrics. Our platform provides insights into reader interactions, helping you understand what resonates most. Monitor your book's performance in real-time and make data-driven decisions to optimize sales and marketing strategies. Discover the power of actionable analytics and elevate your publishing success with ChatFables.

Our vision for Publishers

We provide publishers with powerful tools to track engagement and book performance. Our platform offers detailed metrics, enabling you to monitor reader interactions and make data-driven decisions. Experience the benefits of actionable analytics to optimize sales and marketing strategies.

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